Crime Prevention Unit

The Crime Prevention Unit (CPU) of the Mauritius Police Force was established on September 11, 1989. Operating under the aegis of the Central Criminal Investigation Division (CCID) and supervised by the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime), the CPU plays a vital role in enhancing community safety and preventing crime. Notably, the unit holds certification under MS ISO 9001:2015, reflecting its commitment to quality service delivery.

Vision and Mission of the CPU

  • Vision: The CPU aims to create crime prevention awareness within the community.
  • Mission:
    • Provide high-quality service to customers and meet their needs.
    • Foster public interest and confidence.
    • Cultivate a strong team spirit and commitment to professionalism.
    • Ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Main Objectives of the Unit

  1. Securing Community Support: The CPU actively seeks community support in the fight against crime.
  2. Youth Education: The unit conducts school sensitization campaigns to instill good citizenship and law-abiding principles among the younger generation.
  3. Enhancing Police-Community Relations: Through community policing initiatives, the CPU strengthens the bond between the police and the public.
  4. Fear Reduction: By providing preventive counseling and proactive policing, the CPU works to alleviate fear of crime within the community.
  5. Neighborhood Watch Schemes: The CPU establishes neighborhood watch schemes in crime-prone areas, promoting vigilance and cooperation.

Definition of Crime and Crime Prevention

  • Crime: Any unlawful or antisocial act that causes public anxiety and interferes with citizens’ quality of life.
  • Crime Prevention: The anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of crime risks, followed by action to remove or reduce those risks. Altering any of the three factors—target/victim, criminal, or opportunity/situation—can impact the occurrence of crime. Reducing opportunity factors significantly decreases crime rates.

Sensitization Programs Conducted by the CPU

The CPU organizes various sensitization programs tailored for specific categories:

  1. School Sensitization Campaigns: Educating students about crime prevention.
  2. Women Sensitization Campaigns: Empowering women with safety knowledge.
  3. Senior Citizens Sensitization: Addressing the concerns of older adults.
  4. Disability Watch: Focusing on disability-related safety.
  5. Business Security: Educating business owners and employees.
  6. Youth Crime Prevention: Engaging with young people.
  7. Parents Sensitization: Providing guidance to parents.
  8. Neighborhood Watch Schemes: Establishing vigilant community networks.
  9. Rehabilitation Program for Prisoners: Pre-release programs.
  10. Victim Support and Advice: Reassuring victims of crime.
  11. Field Counseling: Interacting with salesmen and business operators.
  12. Directed Preventive Patrol: Proactive policing.
  13. Community Policing Forums: Engaging with the community.
  14. Media Policing: Communicating through TV, radio, and interviews.

Remember, the CPU’s efforts contribute to a safer and more informed community.

!Mauritius Police Force