Closure of Slip Lane leading towards Old Moka Road (MCB), along Motorway M1 at Trianon


Old Moka Road (MCB), along Motorway M1 at Trianon


The slip lane, from Motorway M1, will be closed to traffic as from 27 May 2024 for a period of three months

Alternate route suggestions:

  • Traffic on Motorway M1, coming from the South, proceeding towards the slip lane leading towards Old Moka Road (MCB), will be diverted at Ebene Interchange, A14 Road, through Ebene Cybercity Roundabout, to eventually access Old Moka Road and/or MCB; and
  • Traffic on A8 Road, coming from the Quatre Bornes/La Louise, proceeding towards the slip lane leading towards Old Moka Road (MCB) will be diverted at Trianon Roundabout, through A1 Road, and right turn near St Jean Church, to eventually access Old Moka Road and/or MCB.